If you have a four-year-old starting school this
autumn, are you sure all their vaccinations are up-to-date?
Hundreds of
children in Kent and Medway miss out on the second jab to protect them against
measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). Now NHS Kent and Medway is reminding parents
to check that children, especially those starting school this autumn, are fully
vaccinated. Dr Faiza Khan, Consultant in Public Health for NHS Kent and Medway,
said: “Take-up rates for MMR immunisation in Kent and Medway are higher than
the national average but we would like even more children to be protected.
"While between 93.1 and 95.6 per cent of children have their first MMR
dose by the time they are two, the rate for the second MMR jab, given before
the fifth birthday, is between 88.9 and 91.5 per cent. "This is better
than the England average of 86.9 per cent but still means around 1,200 children
in Kent and 350 in Medway miss out on their second MMR vaccination each year.
"It may be that parents are busy and forget about this vaccination or that
they do not realise how important it is. "Both doses of the vaccination
are needed to give children maximum protection against these serious diseases,
and reduce the risk of outbreaks. "Parents will be thinking about
everything they need to do to make sure their four-year-olds are ready for that
important first day at school. As part of that, we would urge them to ensure
they have had all their vaccinations.”
The first MMR immunisation is given
within one month of the child’s first birthday. The second dose should be given
between the ages of three years and four months and five years, or before the
child starts school. Parents of children whose MMR vaccinations are not
up-to-date should make an appointment at their GP surgery. Even if your child
has missed a vaccination, or is older than the recommended age, it is not too late
to be immunised. For more information, please speak to your GP practice or
health visiting team.