Give a gift from the Good Gifts Catalogue (over 200 to choose, from £5 - £5,000) and do something amazing this Christmas.
1. Help revive the River Jordan – a gift truly in the spirit of Christmas. Sponsor a group of Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian youngsters working together to clean up the river (one day work camp £50) and ensure it is disposed of safely (septic tanks £55.).
2. A cherry tree for Japan – give a cherry tree to replace one destroyed by the tsunami. Cherry blossom is a symbol of hope, an integral part of Japanese culture. A gesture of support from us to them. (1 tree for £12.00 or 5 for £60.00)
3. Christmas Hamper – our hamper crammed with necessities and seasonal treats goes to elderly people in the UK who may receive no other gifts. Pamper with our £25 hamper andbring joy into someone's Christmas Day. (£25.00)
5. Trysting trees – a Scottish tradition. Plant two beech saplings together and they will intertwine romantically. These trees are planted around the UK and are great for combating global warming. (£30.00)
6. A Medical Sniffer Rat – in Tanzania, rapid diagnosis is required to limit the spread of TB. Conventional lab tests take hours to identify the bug in human sputum, so doctors are turning to a new, low-tech solution: rats. Super-sensitive rodent noses sniff in high definition and pin-point guilty microbes in seconds. (£15.00)
7. Ducks to the rescue – in rural Orissa, women and girls are not allowed to eat chicken eggs, for cultural reasons. However, this results in large cases of malnourishment. Duck eggs are not banned so supplying duck to the women boosts both income and diet. (£25.00)
8. Goats for Peace – Revolving goats repair the ravages of war. Well-tethered to protect local vegetation, families are started courtesy of a revolving ram. Kids go to restock families without goats. For communities slowly rebuilding themselves, goats are milk and fertiliser factories, improve local diets and help towards self-sufficiency (£20.00).
9. Plant a Woodland – Everyone agrees, more trees add to the quality of life (and air). Many schools have, often unloved, space around the school. They'd welcome the chance to plant trees to improve their surroundings. Buy them a tree pack - 60 saplings of birch, rowan and cherry, or a hedgerow pack of hawthorn, dog rose, hazel and dogwood. Both kits provide year round colour, and the hedgerow pack, nuts and rosehips that the children can harvest. A bonus for the teacher is that it links into the curriculum (£60.00). Also clubs, housing estates, amenity groups, cricket clubs, allotment societies, hostels, youth clubs and groups of friends can plant trees on any spare land, even on verges (£105.00). Where a large space is available, a 420 tree pack greens an entire acre or grows nearly 100 metres of hedgerow (£420.00).
10. Elderly person's hospital kit - For an elderly person going into hospital can be humiliating if they lack slippers, dressing gown, nightwear and toilet bag. And that's why we prescribe our Hospital Kit to treat the condition. (£25.00)